إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

FalcoVPN wants our users to have the best possible connection, privacy, and protection: thats where WireGuard comes in.

WireGuard is a new encryption protocol that allows users to experience faster speeds and enhanced security.


1. We don’t ask for any personal info - not even your email, Your account name is just a string of randomly generated numbers.
2. If you have connectivity issues while FalcoVPN is on, the built-in kill switch will automatically stop all network traffic.
3. Your privacy is your privacy which is why we don’t log your activity ( https://falcovpn.io/#/nologging ).


1. Download the app and youre set
2. Generate an account number
3. Become a privacy ninja

• Terms of Service: https://falcovpn.io/#/terms_of_service
• Privacy Policy: https://falcovpn.io/#/privacy_policy
• Auto Renewable Info: https://falcovpn.io/#/auto_renewable_subscription_info